The big players of "Ukrainian Exchange" disclosed their financial results for 2012. According to brokers, the last year of their overall financial result from securities transactions increased by 16%. The growth was achieved only at the expense of performance, "Troika Dialog Ukraine" is not operating in the stock market. The losses suffered in the past year, at least four companies of the top 10 securities dealers.
Of the major players, "Ukrainian Exchange" in the stock market in 2012, the first report for the last year on their own sites placed JV "Dragon Capital" LLC and "Univer Capital." The financial result from operations, which includes income from placements and securities transactions, both brokers was better than in 2011. Loss "Dragon Capital" has decreased from 13.5 million USD to 2.7 million USD, while the "Univer Capital" - with the 603 th to 484 th. Net profit of these companies was 577 th and 316 th, respectively.
These other market participants surveyed by "b" were not so straightforward. For example, if the results of operations in the past year, Ltd. "Gaynsfort-line" came out with a loss (7 th came against the 247 th loss in 2011), the Company "Astrum Capital" for the first time in three years suffered a loss (- 118 thousand UAH against 1589 thousand USD). "Due to the decrease in trading volumes and the decline in the value of the securities last year has been unprofitable for many," - said the director of "Astrum Capital" Ruslan Magomedov. Total trading volume on the "Ukrainian Exchange" on the basis of 2012 fell by 62%, while the number of transactions - by 5%.
Against the backdrop of a good result showed, LLC "Brokerage House" Opening "." During the reporting period, income from securities transactions amounted to USD 1.8 million, while in 2011 was recorded a loss of 1.3 million USD. At the end of last year, the Russian owner of "discovery" made the decision to close the Ukrainian office. His redeemed "Nettreyder Ukraine", combining the company with previously acquired "Gaynsfort-line."
In JSC "Ivex Capital" refused to give figures for 2012, citing heavy losses compared to other players. "Our merchant is listed entire portfolio of securities, while others keep their portfolios to other companies. And we overestimated the paper at the end of the year with the fall of the market. Moreover," Ukrnafta "is to pay us a large sum of dividends, and we were forced to form a reserve with sovereign debt, "- explained the chairman of the board" Ivex Capital "Yuri Yakovenko. At the end of 2012, the UX index fell by more than 34%. In JSC "IFC" Art Capital "" also did not provide information, explaining that "the report is not yet approved by the auditor."
Total profit of eight major securities dealers, to disclose its financial results, compared with 2011 increased by 16% to 7.2 million USD. However, a positive result is fully ensured Company "Troika Dialog Ukraine". Despite more than two-fold drop in profit from operations, the rate of the company was the largest - 9,7 million UAH against USD 21.7 million a year earlier. At the end of 2012, "Troika Dialog Ukraine" announced the integration of the structure of the "Subsidiary Bank Sberbank of Russia", and in February ceased trading on the stock market.
Market participants see no reason to improve performance in 2013. "Investment attractiveness is extremely low, so some foreign investors are leaving the market. Instrument No, free float decrease, and the issue with the implementation of the pension reform did not budge," - said Yuri Yakovenko. More optimistic Mr. Magomedov. "You can always find what to make. Example, NKTSBFR (National Commission on Securities and Stock Market. -" B "), allowed dual listing, and now brokers and investors need to figure out how to get out of this income," - he explained.
Nicholas Maximchuk
Source: http://www.kommersant.ua