Seed Forum is an international organization that provides unparalleled support for start-up companies around the world. It was founded over ten years ago in Norway, after its headquarters was moved to London. The main objective of the fund is to provide opportunities to meet new business beginners and the early stages investors, by organizing investment forums. The Fund also provides basic training and guidance at an early stage startups - how to reach out to investors, and how to prepare a presentation for investors that will attract their attention. At present, the global network of Seed Forum consists of more than 16,000 investors in 40 countries and 60 cities around the world. More than 2,000 start-ups have already taken part in the forums, many of them are involved in several forums in many different countries.
The main event of Seed Forum Ukraine in December 2012 was the opening of the Innovation Center, a business - incubator IHUB.
Guests of the forum were Vladimir Ogryzko and Yurii Yekhanurov. The speeches for support of innovative business gave representatives of Kyiv State Administration Ruslan and Lyudmila Denisyuk Kramarenko. Ruslan Kramarenko answered questions from the forum and spoke about the support of the Kyiv City State Administration of innovative projects in the city.
Interesting information about acting of business - incubators, "mass" financing of business projects and prospects of innovative business shared the UAE and the UK representatives.
At the discretion of the potential investors were presented several startups - projects, some of which caused great interest.